Betreute Masterarbeiten (als Erst- und Zweitbetreuer):

  1. Jasmin Schilling: Unsicherheiten bei der Bestimmung von Emissionen im Pendelverkehr und interaktive Visualisierung von Umfragedaten
  2. Max Gwenuch: What Impact Does Big Tech Funding Have on AI Research? A Scholarly Document Analysis
  3. Lukas Ludwig: Deriving foundations and algorithms to conformalize Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape, including high dimensional solutions
  4. Emma Fössing: Does the Synthesis Model Influence the Performance of a Subsequent Prediction of the Same Model Type?
  5. Anna Bringmann: Adapting Multilingual Semantic Search to the Chemical Process Industry Domain
  6. Nishtha Agarwal: Time series analysis of driving parameters and their influence on tire wear
  7. Jasper Behnke: Transformer-basierte dynamische Themenmodellierung von Covid-19-bezogenen Telegram-Nachrichten
  8. Lucas Mohrhagen: VoxelMorph: Voxel-based Approaches for Neuronal Morphology Learning
  9. Anna Knabe: Assessing Optimization and Confidence Interval Methods for Distributional Regres-sion in Case of Skewed Response Distributions
  10. Laura Plodek: Leveraging Mouse Dynamics for Threat Detection
  11. Stefan Sopala: Learning Predicting tree Growth in Presence of Measurement Errors by Learning Temporal Patterns
  12. Katharina Schmenn: A Robust Metric for Model Accuracy Estimation
  13. Beate Ludka: Stornoverhalten von Kundenportfolios in der P&C Versicherung
  14. Dominik Mann: Toward Robust Hate Speech Detection: Active Learning and the Impact of Data Properties
  15. Juan Sebastián Aristizábal Ortiz: Learning Regression Models on Aggregated Summary Statistics from Individual Distributed Data: A Literature Review, Reproducibility and Feasibility Evaluation
  16. Mona Huyen Vu: A Metamodel for Estimating Prediction Intervals in Multi-Criteria Optimization
  17. Sebastian Lorek: A Stochastic Variational Inference Approach for Semiparametric Distributional Regression
  18. Johannes Matzenmiller: Care Penalty: Defining Income Inequality in Germany Using Distributional Regression
  19. Marei Freitag: Large-Scale Nuclei Reconstruction in a Fruit-Fly Larva to Map Neural Pathways from Brain to Body
  20. Joel Beck: Bridging Citation Analysis and Language Models: A Hybrid Recommender System for Computer Science
  21. Jinyi Chen: Point Process Model for Spatiotemporal Data: A Case Study on the Spatial Distribu-tion of Sei Whales in the Azores Using the SPDE-INLA Approach
  22. Valentin Hassler: Integrating segmentation into multiple object tracking
  23. Miriam Maurer: Preoperative Differentiation of Glioblastoma and Lymphoma using Deep Learning
  24. Ivan Zhelyazkov: Predicting Stock Market Movements Using Transformer-based Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling of Social Media Content
  25. Matthias Herp: Extending Multivariate Conditional Transformations with Spline-Based Normalizing Flows and Graph Theory
  26. Karen Wolf: Detection of Field Effects for Quality Control of Field Trials in Plant Breeding
  27. Manuel Goldkuhle: Synthesis of a Genetically Dysmorphic Portrait
  28. Markus Heidenreich: Trustworthiness of explainable artificial intelligence models
  29. Maria Claire Reiß: Statistical and Deep Learning Frameworks for Prediction: An Application with German Football and Weather Data
  30. Nicolai Bäuerle: Optimierung des individuellen thermischen Komforts im Fahrzeuginnenraum mithilfe von Deep Reinforcement Learning
  31. Jonathan Henrich: Identifying individual trees in forest point clouds using supervised instance segmentation
  32. Sören Fitjer: Erzeugung tabellarischer, synthetischer Daten mit Anwendung auf Machine Learning Prozessen
  33. Jan van Delden: Self-supervised Learning on 3D Forest Data with Masked Autoencoders
  34. Nils Paul Muttray: Cross Species Zero-Shot Celltype Classifcation Using Single-Cell RNA Data
  35. Jan Farchmin: TensorFlow Splines: Fitting Non-linear Smooth Functions with Neural Networks in a Giga Data Application Case Study
  36. Jonathan Mißler: NAMLSS: Neural Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape
  37. Dominik Becker: Implicit Slice Agnostic Segmentation Model - Lung Segmentation and Implicit Repre-sentation in Continuous 3D Space Using Occupancy Networks
  38. Alisa Rothe: Unsupervised Short Text Classification Using One-Class SVM and Topic Modeling
  39. Friederike Sarah Becker: Analyzing the Influence of Model and Ensemble Structure on Performance of Real-Time COVID-19 Forecasts
  40. Kim Sarah Meier: Trivariate Poverty Assessment - A Poverty Line Based on Income, Leisure and Unpaid Work
  41. Carsten Dolle: Children's Non-Cognitive Skills in Bangladesh - A Spatial Analysis
  42. Henrike Meyer: Generation and Evaluation of Synthetic Tabular Data
  43. Ricardo Rudolph: Statistical Methods and Machine Learning Techniques - A simulation-based comparison
  44. Mattias Luber: Deep Learning Architectures for Semi-Structured Generalized Additive Models
  45. Niklas Lück: Probabilistische graphische Modellierung von räumlich verteilten, hochdimensionalen Daten
  46. Katharina Linke: Generalized Multivariate Stochastic Frontier Models in R
  47. Jan-Henrik Thauer: GAMLSS in Regression Discontinuity Designs: Methods and Applications
  48. Erik Seume: The Impact of Aerosols on the Compressor Efficiency of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines – A Case Study
  49. Marah-Lisanne Thormann: An Empirical Comparison of Classical Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques for the Probability of Default Estimation
  50. Alexander Ritz: The Modeling of Heavy Tails with Deep Transformation Models
  51. Andreas Buchmüller: Twitmo: An R Package for NLP Applications
  52. Bennet Sohns: Deep Space Image Classification
  53. Tabea Hüllen: A Flash in the Pan? Exploring the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the 2020 CO2 Emissions in Germany with ARDL Modeling
  54. Alex Kurganski: Classification of Non-Double-Stranded Nucleotides in RNA Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing
  55. Michael Kumar Jayalath: The Influence of Environmental Policies on the Traffic Mode Choice Elasticity in an Agent-Based Traffic Simulation in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires
  56. Niklas Hagemann: Functional Random Effects in Multinomial Logit Models: An Application of Semiparametric Regression Models with Tensor Product Interactions
  57. Conny Grunicke: Evaluating Demand Responsive Transport using a Multimodal Traffic Simulation Scenario
  58. Moritz Kersting: Flatten the Curves - Anticipating the Impact of COVID-19 Policy Response Scenarios in Buenos Aires
  59. Lisa Göcking: Development of a Calibration Strategy for the Non-Destructive Testing of Ferromagnetic Metal Components Using Pulsed Eddy Current
  60. Olaf Menssen: Gym Attendance Time Series Forecasting using State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Models and GAMLSS
  61. Philipp Schad: Development of a Software Interface r2ogs5 and Implementation of a Metamodel Based Calibration Workflow for Numerical Process Models
  62. Dragan Kornelius Höhn: Statistical Modeling of Evolving Sustainable Energy in Power Grids Employing a Second-Order Kuramoto-Type Model with Inertia
  63. Jens Lichter: Studying variational inference methods for Bayesian regression models with different effect types
  64. Felix Süttmann: Exploring different selection schemes for partially observed multivariate responses
  65. Brandon Schwab: Umsatzprognosen für die Swiss Life Finanzvertriebe mit Hilfe von Zeitreihenmodellen
  66. Anna Elisabeth Riha: Hyperpriorsensitivity of Bayesian Wrapped Gaussian Processes with an Application to Wind Data
  67. Tim Ruhkopf: Extracting structured effects from Bayesian Neural Nets using shrinkage methods
  68. Zeyu Ding: Variable Importance Measures for Functional Gradient Descent Boosting Algorith
  69. Petros Christanas: Multivariate Modelling of the Dependence Structure between Article Sales of a Sportswear Manufacturer
  70. Lars Reinhold Gerdes: Heterogene Ensemble-Verfahren für Zeitreihenprognosen mit Anwendungen in der Energiebranche
  71. Yao Lu: Applications of Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods on Big and High Frequency Power Usage Data for Customer Classification
  72. Niklas Johannes Avermann: An Approach to Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning on Commodity Derivative Time Series
  73. Gabriel Schöller: Optimales Busdienstleistungsangebot in Kigali aus Sicht der Sozialen Wohlfahrt
  74. Nikos Ioannis Bosse: Evaluation and Aggregation of Covid-19 Death Forecasts in the United States
  75. Manuel Kropp: Treiber und Barrieren für das Umweltschutzverhalten in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen
  76. Tim Toebrock: Comparing State-of-the-Art Collaborative Filter Algorithms with Neural Network and Graph-Based Approaches on Sparse E-Commerce Data
  77. Jannik Labrenz: Identification of the Price Determinants in the German Intraday Market for Electricity
  78. Alejandra Garcia Ahumada: Pricing of a DRT System in Goettingen: An Application of Multinomial Logit Models
  79. Yijia Huang: Has Occupation an Effect on Wages: An Empirical Analysis on Gender Differences in Mexico
  80. Christoph Albers: Prognose von individuellen elektrischen Haushaltslasten mittels Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens
  81. Simone Gerle: Automatische Analyse und Rückmeldung von zeitreihenbezogenen Tagebuchdaten. Entwicklung eines Frameworks auf der Basis von R und formr
  82. Johann Valentin Seebaß: Modelling the Joint Distribution of Wind Speed and Wind Direction Using a Structured Additive Conditional Copula Regression Model
  83. Martin Wuttke: Automatic distinction of behaviour patterns in pigs using anomaly detection techniques with a predictive convolutional network
  84. Philipp Rössy: Impact Assessment of Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) in the Context of a Regional Center – A Simulation Study
  85. Michael Schlee: Improving Approaches for Detection and Classification of Breast Cancer Metastases in Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Lymph Node Whole-Slide-Images within the Scope of the CAMELYON17 Challenge
  86. Leif Sörensen: Demand Responsive Transport in a Rural Region - Empirical Analysis of Customer Acceptance from a Real-Life Experiment in Central Germany
  87. Clemens Michael Haerder: Bayesian Sparse Supervised Learning: Identify Root Causes of Non-Conformances in a Pharmaceutical Syringe Filling Process
  88. Patrick Neff: Statistical Models for IOT Data from Food Processing using Machine Learning Algorithms
  89. Henning Kosmalla: Dynamic Predictive Behaviour of Live Sports Betting Providers
  90. Fabian Hölscher: Machine Learning Techniques for Binary Classification of Highly Imbalanced Data
  91. Franziska Tönsing: Modelling Laser Welding Process Data Using Hierarchical Interactions LASSO and Artificial Neural Networks
  92. Sebastian Frederik Lehmann: Investigation of the Effect of Non-Compliance Regarding the Minimum Storage Time of Specific Tire Components on Tire Production
  93. Hendryke Sophie Scholl: Estimation of Unconditional Distributional Effects in Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape
  94. Nicolai Hans: Tuning Boosted GAMLSS Using Random Probes
  95. René-Marcel Kruse: Implementation of Conditional Model Averaging for Mixed Models
  96. Marie Harbering: Determinants of Transport Mode Choice in Metropolitan Areas: The Case of the Metropolitan Are of the Valley of Mexico
  97. Kai Sebastian Schneider: Exploring the Relationship between Mental Health and Income. An Empirical Analysis using Generalised Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape
  98. Jan Eilers: Pattern Recognition in Vehicle Data Using Classification and Clustering Methods: A Comparative Study of Clustering High-Dimensional Mixed-Type Data
  99. Drini Morina: A Comparison of Alternatives to P-values
  100. Jens Harbers: Explorative Datenanalyse einer Beweidungsstudie einer Fleckviehkuhherde
  101. Lukas Knierim: Mobilitätsuntersuchung begleitend zur Implementierung eines DRT-Systems im ländlichen Raum
  102. Kai Husmann: Development of a Binomial Response Estimator for Bitterlich Sampling
  103. Thomas Friesen: A Small Area Approach for Forest Inventory using LiDAR
  104. Lukas Herrmann: Machine Learning for Designing Parametric Insurance: An Algorithmic Approach
  105. Jenny Kuchenbecker: Comparing Performance of Kernel-based Association Tests for Polygenic Traits Using Continuous Data and Binary Re-Classification
  106. Andreas Bossert: Einführung eines nachfrageorientierten Transportsystems in ländlichen Räumen ind Deutschland
  107. Victor Kremer: Eine empirische Analyse von Finanzzeitreihen mithilfe von Hidden Markov Modellen
  108. Aisouda Hoshiyar: Challenging the commonly used log-link in statistical models for count data with an application to infectious disease data
  109. Manuel Frewer: Demand Responsive Transport in South Africa - A Stochastic Prediction of Minibus Taxi Driver Behaviour
  110. Maike Greve: Industry Analytics: A Deep Learning Approach for Error Prediction in the Context of Industry 4.0
  111. Larissa Klick: Identifying Risk and Modelling Insurance Claims - A Statistical-Actuarial Approach Based on Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape
  112. Barbara Hinrichs: Is there a Need for the Public Sector to Intervene in the Charging Infrastructure Extension for Electric Vehicles in Germany?
  113. Stefanie Enders: Analysis of the Implementation of Innovative Mobility Concepts in the Rural Areas of Germany
  114. Rouven Schmidt: Smooth-Transition GAMLSS as an Alternative to Markov-Switching-GAMLSS
  115. Clara Schartner: Gaining efficiency in monitoring rare deforestation events by integrating auxiliary data into the sampling design
  116. Sebastian Schoneberg: An Autoregressive Generalized Additive Models for Analyzing Single Tree Mortality
  117. Anne Berner: Impact Analysis of Soft Transport Policy Using State Space Models: Smog Alert in Stuttgart
  118. Guillermo Briseno Sanchez: Flexible Instrumental Variables Distributional Regression: A Simulation and Empirical Study
  119. Stanislaus Stadlmann: bamlss.vis: An R Package to Interactively Visualize Bayesian Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (BAMLSS) Using the Shiny Framework
  120. Hannes Riebl: Multivariate Quantile Residuals in Copula Regression: Model Evaluation and Selection
  121. Aaron Frölich: What are the Determinants of Financial Operational Losses? A GAMLSS Approach Applied on a Novel Database
  122. Jana Emmenegger: Interrelated Dynamics of Poverty and Health in Thailand
  123. André Bleier: Forecast and Variable Selection with Gradient Descent Boosting: An Application to Dynamic Pricing
  124. Benedict Hartmann: Access to Mobility and Human Development in Complex Regions - A Case Study of the Minibus Taxi Industry in South Africa
  125. Zhiting Li: Statistical Analysis of Health Inequalities in Germany
  126. Manuel Carlan: Bayesian Variable Selection Priors in Semiparametric Regression
  127. Franziska Dorn: The Impact of Reproductive Work on Wages and Employment Status in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis using Generalised Linear Models
  128. Anastasia Gorbunova: Statistische Analyse von Energieprofilen mittels Bayesianischer Regression
  129. Paul Wiemann: Statistische Modelle der Ratschlagsgewichtung
  130. Manuel Vonrüti: Referenzwerte für einen neuen Ansatz von Spike und Slab Prioris zur Funktionsselektion
  131. Xuan Wang: Statistische Methoden im Churn Management
  132. Maike Tahden: Ökologische Regression zur Bestimmung sozio-ökonomischer Assoziationen der EHEC-Ausbreitung
  133. Hauke Rennies: Schätzung technischer Effizienzen mit Hilfe der Quantilregression
  134. Lene Raap: Schätzung des Value at Risk mit Hilfe der Quantil- und Expektilregression
  135. Benjamin Säfken: Semiparametrische Regressionsmodelle in der Versorgungsplanung
  136. Julia Furche: Kategoriale Regressionsmodelle zur Analyse neuronaler Daten
  137. Daniela Rieck: Mehrfaktorielle nicht-parametrische Varianzanalyse kosmetischer Wirksamkeitsstudien
  138. Lena Köpcke: Bayesianische Stimulus-Rekonstruktion für neuronale Daten