The thesis is registered by the examination office, you cannot register for the Bachelor's or Master's thesis in FlexNow on your own.
You do not need to contact us to register your thesis. We will register your thesis on the specified start date which will be sent to us by your supervisor.
If the registration is sent to the examination office and the students at the same time, the thesis is registered directly and the specified start date is not taken into account and the time frame for completion starts on the day of this email.
The supervisors send the email with the registration for the thesis exclusively to the examination office via email to
To register the thesis, we need an email from the respective chair (the BA/MA supervising person) with the following information:
- Matriculation number
- Last name, first name Student
- Title of the thesis (German and English) (Note: if the thesis is written in English, a German title is not necessary)
- Start date (exact date)
- Name of first supervisor
- Name of second supervisor
- Information as to whether the thesis is an external thesis that is written in cooperation with a company or an external institution. ("External thesis refer to a thesis written as part of cooperating and collaborating with a private company or employer in the public sector (by conducting and evaluating an employee survey etc.). A contractual agreement is not necessary").
Video Instruction for uploading theses (only in german)
Application- submitted directly to the chairs/professorships, not to the examination office
- the application to the chair is usually done via an application form or via Mail
- there are uniform application deadlines for the final theses of the Business Administration (BWL) Department: 15.02., 15.06., 15.10.
- you will find an overview of the BWL professorships here. Please refer to the individual chairs for detailed information
- you do NOT need the application forms used in the past for admission to the thesis to apply to the chairs
- before registration the examination office checks whether you meet the requirements (see examination regulations)
- you can apply to several chairs to increase your chance of receiving an acceptance
- if you receive several acceptances, please actively and immediately cancel the acceptance you do not want in order to give other students a chance to receive their acceptance instead
- Theses can be written at all chairs of the Faculty of Business and Economics (Chairs of the Faculty)
BA/MA Business and Human Resource Education:
- the thesis can also be written in the second subject
- registration takes place via the WiWi Examination Office in any case
BA/MA Business Information Systems:
- the thesis can also be written in computer science
- registration takes place via the WiWi Examination Office in any case
2-Subject Bachelor VWL
- the thesis must be written at a chair of the Department of Economics (VWL)
- examiners from the Department of Business Administration (BWL) are NOT allowed
- if the final thesis is to be written in the second subject (not WiWi), the registration is done via the corresponding examination office of the other faculty
- send the rejections you have received from the chairs by e-mail to us at
- within the Faculty of Business and Economics, we will check which chairs still have free capacities where you can write your thesis
- you do not have to accept the possible examiners/topics
- please discuss directly with the examiners whether you are allowed to suggest topics and how many
Ja, ist möglich
- first examiner is always a person from the Faculty of Business and Economics who is authorised to examine. This means that you have to find a first referee who wants to supervise the thesis together with an external referee
- the external person must already be appointed by the Examination Committee before the work begins
- the application for the appointment of an external supervisor is submitted by the first examiner to the Examination Committee under gestellt
- after all formalities have been set, nothing changes in the further procedure
- authorised people from the Faculty of Business and Economics Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung § 11
- in Flexnow, under the heading "Summary of achievement", you can generate various data sheets (summary of achievement and other certificates) for your course of study in PDF format.
- a summary of achievement from the examination office is not required
- processing is also possible in the semester of leave
- three weeks before the end of the leave semester can be started
- three weeks into a semester of leave can be handed in
- there is no limit for leave of absence due to semester abroad
- please note that you may have to apply for an extension of the deadline for the proof of successful completion of your BA studies via the Student Advisory Service, provided that all other modules have been completed
- the exact submission date will be announced in an automatic e-mail as soon as the work has been registered or entered in FlexNow by the examination office
- after registration the thesis is visible for you in FlexNow
- the Examination Office cannot give you any information on this
- most chairs have guidelines/instructions on how the thesis should be prepared
- otherwise please ask directly to your supervisor
- Mono-Bachelor and Master maximum extension: three weeks (21 days)
- 2-Subject Bachelor maximum extension: four weeks (28 days)
- for the extension, please submit to us via the eForm in the eCampus (Main menu -> Forms -> Forms of the Examinations Office -> Sickness/Resignation from examinations) the sick note.
You will find instructions HERE. - by submitting the sick note via the eForm, you will receive
- a confirmation email
- the reviewers receive automatic feedback regarding the extension of the deadline
- with certificates that exceed the maximum possible extension, an excused termination is possible. Please notify us of this directly by email
- this attempt is cancelled and does not count
- the new thesis must be registered with a new topic
- No, you only need to upload to FlexNow
- on the submission day you have until 11:59 p.m. to upload your thesis in the system
- if the submission of your thesis is postponed due to illness, the same applies. You can upload your thesis until 11:59 p.m. on the date you have been notified.
- should problems arise during the upload, send the thesis by mail to the examination office in due time
- NOT to your supervisors
- the declaration of independence should be at the end of your thesis
- a scanned signature is not required in order to also keep the file size as small as necessary
- If the chair does not require a specific procedure, you can have a declaration of independence created from FlexNow Here you will find instructions on how to do this
- when uploading, a check mark must be used to confirm that the work was written independently
- the use of ChatGPT must be completely transparent
- explicit marking of passages created with ChatGPT is required
- students should also explain in what way ChatGPT was used to create the
- you must attach the declaration of use to the end of your thesis
exsample template:
In the work presented here, I used ChatGPT or another AI as follows:
[ ] not at all
[ ] in brainstorming
[ ] when creating the outline
[ ] to create individual passages, totaling ...% of the entire text
[ ] for the development of software source code
[ ] to optimize or restructure software source text
[ ] for proofreading or optimization
[ ] other, namely ...
I assure that I have fully stated all uses. Missing or incorrect information will be considered an attempt to deceive.
For more information see here
- before you start, you must discuss with the person in charge what the procedure is and what you have to observe
- you will not receive this information in the examination office
- please upload the thesis as a PDF file format only
- up to two attachments in PDF or ZIP file format
- Total size of all files may not exceed 100 MB
- After submission, the files are sent to the reviewers by e-mail