Tutors or lecturers create a page for allocation of research topics in the Stud.IP course in Wiki.
To do this, open Wiki and click on Edit and input [[research topics]] – the square brackets create and save a new Wiki page – or ResearchTopics.
Then click on “Research topics” to edit this page. This takes you to a table with one column each for the date, subject and name of student. It is important to give the number of potential students per topic or if necessary straight away input several columns.
Under Participants, Administering Functions/ Groups the tutors or lecturers create a group for each subject in the Stud.IP course. The group can be limited to a specific number of participants. Once the groups have been created, place a tick next to Self-enrolling and if the participants should only be allocated to one group also next to Only in one group.
Advantages of allocation of research topics using the group function:
Each group can be assigned a document folder which can only be accessed by the participants in the group (plus tutors and lecturers).
The groups can if required be used for DoIT.
Participants register themselves in a group and cannot accidentally delete a group or group participants.
Disadvantages of allocation of research topics using the group function:
No preferences can be given.
There is no waiting list (for a subject), unless this is set up manually.
The enrolment period must be controlled manually.
If there are many subjects a lot of groups have to be created.