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by train
At Göttingen main train station you may:

  • Hire a taxi (at either side of the station)

  • Take the bus: the bus station is located in front of the train station, to the right side when facing the direction to the city centre.
    Bus 21, 22 and 23 in the direction of Faßberg or Nikolausberg, and get out at the bus stop Burckardtweg. Descend the hill a few meters and turn left onto a reddish pathway.
    The pts is located in the second (and largest) building on your left (Büsgenweg 2, 3rd and 4th floor). See map for details.

    You might wish to check the timetable of the buses.

By car
Leave the motorway (A7) at exit #72 Göttingen Nord and follow the road straight ahead (in direction Braunlage, road number B 27)
Do not follow the signs "Universität Nord"!
After about 2 km drive, turn left at traffic lights into "Am Faßberg" (direction Nikolausberg) turn left into Grisebachweg and look for parking space. Büsgenweg is the first turn on your right.
The PTS is located in the first (and largest) building on your right (Büsgenweg 2, 3rd and 4th floor).

See the map for more parking lots.