"Award for Outstanding Dissertations" der DGS Sektion Migration und Ethnische Minderheiten (2021)
Arne Worm has received the award for outstanding dissertations of the Section "Migration and Ethnic Minorities" in the German Sociological Association (DGS) for his doctoral thesis on “Refugee Migration from Syria. A Biographical and Figurational Study of Life Histories of Syrian Refugees” (“Fluchtmigration aus Syrien. Eine biographietheoretische und figurationssoziologische Studie”). His book was one of two award-winning dissertations. The award ceremony took place on the 20th May 2021 during the conference "The Fragility of Global Migration" in Göttingen (online).
The dissertation project was part of DFG research project “The social construction of border zones: A comparison of two geopolitical cases” (2014-2019) at the Center of Methods in Social Sciences (MZS).