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Good food in a nice setting: wild bees need diverse agricultural landscapes - Pressemitteilung, 29.06.2021
Mass-flowering crops such as oilseed rape or faba bean provide valuable sources of food for bees, which, in turn, contribute to the pollination of both the crops and nearby wild plants when th…

Coronavirus crisis and social citizenship in India - Pressemitteilung, 24.06.2021
In India, the coronavirus pandemic threw into sharp relief the unevenness of India’s infrastructure of social redistribution. Professor Ravi Ahuja of the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at th…

High-resolution microscope built from LEGO and bits of phone - Pressemitteilung, 23.06.2021
Microscopy is an essential tool in many fields of science and medicine, but many have limited access to this technology. Researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Münster managed to b…

Stronger together: how protein filaments interact - Pressemitteilung, 18.06.2021
Just as the skeleton and muscles move the human body and hold its shape, all the cells of the body are stabilised and moved by a cellular skeleton. Unlike our skeleton, this cellular skeleton …

Tailored laser fields reveal properties of transparent crystals - Pressemitteilung, 17.06.2021
The surface of a material often has properties that are very different from the properties within the material. An international research team from the University of Göttingen, the Max Planck …

Sacred natural sites protect biodiversity in Iran - Pressemitteilung, 15.06.2021
How much do traditional practices contribute to the protection of local biodiversity? Why and how are sacred groves locally valued and protected, and how can this be promoted for environmental…

Lies to hide doping in professional sport - Pressemitteilung, 15.06.2021
How do top athletes talk about doping when they themselves are using performance-enhancing drugs? Or do they just avoid the issue? New research by Göttingen University reveals that any decisio…

Origin of fairy circles: Euphorbia hypothesis disproved - Pressemitteilung, 09.06.2021
The fairy circles of the Namib are one of nature’s greatest mysteries. Millions of these circular barren patches extend over vast areas along the margins of the desert in Namibia. An early hyp…

X-ray flash imaging of laser-induced bubbles and shockwaves in water - Pressemitteilung, 08.06.2021
Gas bubbles rise up naturally in sparkling water. But the bubbles that were created for this experiment were ten times smaller and contained water vapour at a pressure around a hundred thousan…

Clever biomolecular labelling enables identification of immune cells - Pressemitteilung, 07.06.2021
Biomolecules regulate the biological functions inside every living cell. If scientists can understand the mo-lecular mechanisms of such functions, then it is possible to detect severe dysfunct…

Warm seas when the Earth was still young? - Pressemitteilung, 31.05.2021
For decades, there has been controversy about the water temperatures of the first oceans on Earth. Scientists from the Universities of Cologne, Göttingen and Århus have now combined their res…

What is the true cost to companies of IT security? - Pressemitteilung, 26.05.2021
How can companies evaluate whether specific measures taken will strengthen their Information Technology (IT) security? How can they find out what the real costs to their business will be? Rese…

Apps to fight a crisis? - Pressemitteilung, 18.05.2021
How can apps like the Corona-Warn app help combat the pandemic? How can people use their data to help manage crises in our society without putting their data at risk of misuse? What role can t…

Reduced plant species richness means insects at risk - Pressemitteilung, 17.05.2021
Where plant species diversity decreases, insect diversity decreases too and with it biodiversity as a whole. From the intensively managed meadows and pastures to dense and dark beech forests, …

What does your voice say about you? - Pressemitteilung, 11.05.2021
Everyone has at some point been charmed by the sound of a person’s voice: but can we believe our ears? What can a voice really reveal about our character? Now an international research team le…