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All press releases

Future of food in Lower Saxony - Pressemitteilung, 30.03.2023
Science Minister Falko Mohrs in Hannover presented the partners in the ZERN Research Network with confirmation of their award for nine million euros from the "zukunft.niedersachsen" programme.…

Quantum-mechanical systems far from equilibrium - Pressemitteilung, 27.03.2023
The German Research Foundation (DFG) will fund a new Research Unit studying the non-equilibrium physics of quantum many-body systems at the University of Göttingen. The title of this ambitious…

Senate confirms Vice-President - Pressemitteilung, 22.03.2023
The Senate of the University of Göttingen has confirmed Dr Valérie Schüller’s appointment as the University's full-time Vice-President for Finance and Human Resources. The University Foundatio…

Award for branching worm named after Godzilla’s nemesis - Pressemitteilung, 20.03.2023
Branching marine worms are extremely rare: bizarre creatures with one head but a body that branches re-peatedly into multiple posterior ends. Only three such species are known, and one of thes…

Plant roots fuel tropical soil animal communities - Pressemitteilung, 07.03.2023
A research team led by Göttingen University has shed new light on the importance of plant roots for belowground life, particularly in the tropics. Millions of small creatures toiling in a sing…

Mechanical weeding promotes ecosystem functions and profit in industrial oil palm - Pressemitteilung, 02.03.2023
Oil palm trees are the most productive oil crop and global demand is increasing. However, their productivity is due to conventional management practices including high fertilizer usage and her…

Hunter-gatherers resettled central Europe from southwest 18,000 years ago - Pressemitteilung, 01.03.2023
Who resettled Central Europe after the last ice age when the ice sheets were at their greatest? This has been a topic of debate for over 100 years. Now an international research team led by th…

Modelling to protect crops of the future - Pressemitteilung, 28.02.2023
Extreme weather events are increasingly threatening food security. Researchers around the world are working to better adapt plant genetics to the climate conditions of current and future barle…

Measuring octopus cognition - Pressemitteilung, 24.02.2023
With eight arms, large eyes, and shape-shifting skin, octopus’ bodies appear almost otherworldly. Their cognitive abilities are comparable to those of vertebrates, yet the evolutionary lines d…

MoBIE enables modern microscopy with massive data sets - Pressemitteilung, 22.02.2023
High-resolution microscopy techniques, for example electron microscopy or super-resolution microscopy, produce huge amounts of data. The visualization, analysis and dissemination of such large…

Carmenes: 59 new planets discovered in four years - Pressemitteilung, 22.02.2023
The international Carmenes project has led to the discovery of 59 exoplanets in four years, a dozen of which could potentially support life. The scientists have published the data from around …

Clever orchard design for more nuts - Pressemitteilung, 17.02.2023
To reduce biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes, more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices are needed. Researchers from the Universities of Göttingen, Hohenhe…

Strengthening ecology and conservation in the Global South - Pressemitteilung, 10.02.2023
The tropics hold most of the planet’s biodiversity. In order to preserve this fragile and valuable asset, many groups need to get involved and be well informed. However, tropical ecology and c…

Extensive global wetlands loss over past 300 years - Pressemitteilung, 08.02.2023
The drainage of natural wetlands has been useful for farming, forestry and peat extraction, but has also had a major impact on greenhouse gas emissions, flood control, nutrient loss and biodiv…

Academic field for the future: "Matter to Life” - Pressemitteilung, 03.02.2023
Göttingen and Heidelberg Universities will in future offer a joint Master's degree in the interdisciplinary pro-gramme "Matter to Life". Göttingen University President Professor Metin Tolan an…