Summer Term 2025
!!! This semester the colloquium will be an onsite event: only a few talks will take place online and most will be onsite at VG 4.103. Detailed information as to how to join the meetings will be shared via the LinG mailing list. Talks will be announced regularly via the LinG mailing list and on this website (see below).
Wednesdays 4-6 pm (ct)
This is a preliminary schedule that will be extended, and possibly altered, in the weeks to come.
April 16 (Wednesday 4-6 pm ct): No Meeting
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
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Talk: tba
Speaker: Salikoko S. Mufwene (Collège de France)
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: Walter Bisang (Mainz)
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: tba
Talk: tba
Speaker: Christoph Gabriel (Uni Mainz)
Talk: tba